Day Camp Gets Helping Hands

Date posted: June 6, 2014

GE Aviation Volunteers Install Playground at Given Campus

Volunteers from GE Aviation mixed concrete and leveled support posts as they installed new playground equipment at Stepping Stones’ day camp for children with disabilities. The camp, which opens its 51st season on Monday, June 9, serves more than 400 children, teens and young adults each summer at locations in Indian Hill and Batavia. 

The playground is part of a playground upgrade grant from the Hatton Foundation, providing new play structures and equipment at the Given Campus and Allyn Campus. 

GE volunteers have been assembling and installing the playground, erecting unit site tents and spreading mulch to prepare for the camp opening. 

Foundations supporting Stepping Stones’ summer camp include the Luther Foundation, Toyata, Autism Speaks Baker Camp Scholarship, Cincinnati Dreams Come True, YOT-Full Circle Foundation, United Way, Greater Cincinnati Foundation’s Summertime Kids, Moeller Magnified Giving Program and an anonymous foundation in Dayton, Ohio. 

Read more about GE Aviation helping Stepping Stones here

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