Stepping Stones builds pathways to independence for children, teens and adults with disabilities in Greater Cincinnati. There are many sources of information for people with disabilities and their parents or caregivers.
Here are a few resources that might be helpful.
Hamilton County, OH, Developmental Disabilities Services –– Since its beginning in 1967, Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services (HCDDS) has provided a full range of educational, vocational, and residential services to meet the specialized needs of individuals with disabilities.
Clermont County, OH, Board of Developmental Disabilities — The Clermont County Board of Developmental Disabilities serves babies, children, and adults . These services take place primarily in the Batavia and Owensville area, but can also be present in community settings.
Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities — The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) is responsible for overseeing a statewide system of supports and services for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission — To ensure individuals with disabilities achieve quality employment, independence and disability determination outcomes through integrated services, partnerships and innovation. — The federal government website for comprehensive information on disability programs and services in communities nationwide. The site links to more than 14,000 resources from federal, state and local government agencies; academic institutions; and nonprofit organizations. You can find answers to questions about everything from Social Security benefits to employment to affordable and accessible housing.
Cerebral Palsy Symptoms — an organization with a mission to provide the public with accurate and up to date information on the many aspects of cerebral palsy and other birth injury complications.
Birth Injury & Cerebral Palsy Guide — an organization dedicated to the support and education of parents and caregivers of children with cerebral palsy and other birth injuries. They share information on the causes and risk factors as well as treatment options for children with different types of CP.
Center for Independent Living Options — CILO is the oldest center for independent living in Ohio serving individuals with disabilities in the Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky region. The agency serves individuals of all ages who have physical, sensory, cognitive, and/or psychological disabilities. CILO is an agent of social change and the practical application of the disability civil rights and independent living movement. It helps people become self reliant and live independently to ensure their full inclusion in our communities.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Special Needs Resource Directory — The Center for Infants and Children with Special Needs at Cincinnati Children’s recommends these highly valuable services.
Cincinnati Therapeutic Riding and Horsemanship (CTRH) serves individuals impacted by disabilities and unique challenges through equine-assisted activities and therapies, including adaptive recreational horseback riding, hippotherapy, equine-facilitated learning, and mini-horse outreach.
International Foundation for CDKL5 Research (IFCR) leads the way in finding a cure and treatments for CDKL5 disorder by funding global research efforts, and increasing awareness of CDKL5 disorder. IFCR enhances the quality of life for those affected by CDKL5 disorder, by providing information, programs and services.