A walk around Day Camp Given….

Date posted: July 18, 2014

As I was walking around the grounds of camp today, it truly hit me the beauty that I am able to witness every single day as the Coordinator here at Stepping Stones. There are so many amazing people here at camp, spectacular participants, staff and volunteers, and sometimes I simply feel lucky to be able to experience this place along with everyone else. I happened to have a camera with me as I was walking around today, and felt inspired to take some pictures of the random yet amazing images that we see every single day at camp. Each individual that attends brings a unique element to camp, and it has been such a blessing getting to know all of them! I hope you enjoy this little bit of insight into my days as Coordinator!

As I was walking over to Waterfront where our groups go fishing and boating, I passed the Lake Lodge building which houses our oldest teen groups, the Cicadas and the Chili Bugs. They were making some crazy hats for their Unit Time activity; and as I walked by one of the participants in the Chili Bugs turned around and showed off the mustache that he had created….so fun!

Michael from the Chili BugsAfter visiting Waterfront and witnessing one of the Spider participants catch a fish, I walked over to Nature. Nature is located on the opposite side of the lake where they are able to relax and unwind in Nature in peace. I noticed that one of the large trees had some items hanging from it, so on further inspection I found these fabulous little bird-feeders that groups had made! Each participant had a half of an orange, took out the inner orange fruit and sprinkled seeds onto it. They then hung them on the trees, I lost count of how many oranges I saw and it was very cool to see the outcome of such a fun project at Nature! I am sure the birds are enjoying them!

More oranges
Orange bird-feeders at Nature
 then made my way over to the pool, where the Wasps and Fireflies were having a blast cooling off in the water! The swimming pool is one of my favorite places to visit, mostly because I just see so many smiles on everyone’s faces at all times. A few of the Wasps kept lining up to have their staff member, Brandi, pick them up and toss them gently into the pool. Here is one of the awesome action shots from their fun!
photo 5
I was also able to visit the Glowworms at their Unit Time activity, where fitting into the theme of CSI (Cool Science Investigation) week, they were doing a “Blood Splatter” craft where they used red paint and rubber bands to flick the paint onto sheets of paper. The end result was really cool, and I enjoyed watching their participants problem-solve those tricky rubber bands and make some great prints to take home!
Emily Boehl
Hannah Murphy
I hope you enjoyed these pictures of daily life at Day Camp Given! I am appreciating every single moment of camp, and hoping to share that with you in this blog. I wish everyone a great rest of the week, and please check back in next week to see what else we have been up to!

Bridget Rahill
Coordinator of Recreation & Leisure – Given 


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