Life of an Overnight Participant

Date posted: August 9, 2014

Have you ever wondered what our participants do when they are here at Camp Allyn for our Overnight Program? Well, your mind can rest at ease after you read over a narrated schedule created through an interview with Dottie and some friends from the Aspen Lodge!

“Okay- the people want to know. When does your day start?”

D- “About 8 or 8:3o- We wake up either on our own or with a staff saying, “GOOD MORNING!” Then we do all of our personal care stuff. Brush our hair, our teeth, our faces…”

“You brush your face?”

D-  “Maybe. I just wash mine. But yeah, we shower and all that stuff.”

M- “The staff help people who need it and help keep us on schedule.”

“What happens after you’re dressed and ready to go?”

A- “Breakfast!” 

D- “First, we go to the basketball court and talk and say good morning. Then we sing a song or tell jokes until Jelaina says to go inside and eat.”

“What is your favorite breakfast that we have?”

M- “Breakfast Pizza!”

D- “Bacon!”

“Mmm. Bacon! That’s my favorite, too. What happens after breakfast?”

A- “We go to different activities, like fishing, swimming, lodge activities, archery.”

M- “Yeah! Fishing! We love fishing!”

“I remember when you caught that catfish! It was huge!”

M- “It was! You made us throw it back, though!”

“Yeah, I did! We catch and release here. No Fish Fry tonight, pal! Okay- so other than fishing, what else do you like doing at camp?”

A- “I like just seeing the counselors. I help take pictures for the DVD sometimes. Archery is fun when we shoot with Amber.” 

D- “I haven’t gone to shoot yet. When did I miss that?”

A- “It was my choice class.”

“Can you tell me what a choice class is?”

D- “We get to pick from a list of things that we want to do like Current Events, Sports…”

M- “Fishing…”

A- “You already said that! We also go to Dance, Yoga, Arts.”

“What is the coolest thing you’ve made in Arts?”

A- “I like when we do the sculpting with clay.”

D- “We get to make big art sometimes. Like on big pieces of wood to put up places around camp.”

A- “Yeah- that’s neat. We get to leave it at camp and be here forever. People walk by and be like, “Hey! I know who made that!”

“That is pretty cool. You are leaving a legacy at camp!”

A- “Yeah! Legacy!”

“What else do you guys do? You eat meals, you go to activities, you fish… Surely there is more!”


M- “WOO HOO! Dancing!”

“I take it you like Evening Programs?”

A- “Yeah we do! We all come together, like everybody from camp, and we do stuff. We dance, we sing, we go on scavenger hunts.”

M- “Yeah. We did the Paint War this week. We threw paint at each other in water balloons!”

“Sounds messy…”

A, D and M- “Yeah!”

“Alright. And what is the last thing you do during the day?”

D- “Sleep!”

“Anything else you want the people of the world to know about camp?”

A- “We love Dottie!” 

D- “Yeah! And we love all the counselors.”

M- “And the fish!”


And now, curious minds, you know exactly what we do at camp! We act really goofy, have a lot of fun, make tons of friends and we do go fishing!

Thank you for reading!

The Oh So Loveable-
Dottie Dotson


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