Fall Days at Respites

Date posted: September 26, 2014

We had an amazing start of our respite season this past weekend complete with homemade applesauce, shrinking apples, shooting archery and making birdseed cakes. The weather could not have been any more perfect for our Fall themed respite. The highlights of the weekend were definitely our campfire with s’mores and our very own Pumpkin County Fair. 
Jeff Archery

At our campfire, groups took turns singing camp songs, like The Alligator Song and The Donut Song. If you haven’t heard these, ask your loved one to sing it. I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to sing the silly lyrics to you! Participants also took turns roasting their marshmallows over the fire. Anita was delighted to eat her first s’more at camp! She said it was very delicious. Abby said her favorite part was definitely eating the s’more!

Anita Roasting Marshmallow Abby Smores

At the Pumpkin County Fair, participants went to various booths to participate in activities and earn tickets. At the end of the night, they turned their tickets in for prizes! Bobbing for Apples was a hilarious and fun booth. Matt was very dedicated and came out in the end with an apple and five tickets. Needle in the Haystack had participants digging through a bale of hay looking for a plastic yarn needle. Everyone loved the photo booth. Participants turned in their tickets and earned prizes like airplanes, necklaces, barrettes, puzzles and so much more! 

 Alex in Photo BoothDrew and Tabatha Booth

 It was such a great start to our fall, winter and spring respites at the Allyn Campus. Thank you for all of those who came to work, participate and volunteer. It would not have been as great of a weekend without all of you involved.

We can’t wait for our Rennaisance Festival themed Respite in a few weeks! We will be eating turkey legs, experiencing Rennaisance life and exploring recipes from that time period! We can’t wait to see you then!



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