It’s About the Process, Not the Product (but check out our products!): Fine Arts Week 2015

Date posted: July 15, 2015

Our Allyn overnight Staycation last week was “Fine Arts Week” themed, and we did some neat projects!

One of the popular and more active art projects was archery art. We filled balloons up with paint, put fabric over the archery targets, and attached the balloons to the fabric. Then we fired away! It was so much fun to see the paint splatter all over the target, and they ended up looking pretty awesome!


Squirt gun art was also lots of fun! We filled some squirt guns with paint and squirted art onto sheets. 

Squirt gun art!

Squirt gun art!

We worked as groups to do some large-scale murals, and we’re hoping to add them to the buildings around camp once they dry. They look so neat!

One of the murals we worked on for Fine Arts Week!

One of the murals we worked on for Fine Arts Week!


A mural with our mission statement

A mural with our mission statement

Our specialist Natalie did photography with everyone. They got to walk around camp and take action shots and scenic photos. We had their photos on display at our end of the week art show. We are also going to get some of the photos framed and displayed in our dining hall!

Photography on display from the week

Photography on display from the week

We did some smaller projects too. This stained glass art looked really great! Tie dye is always fun at camp, so that was part of Fine Arts week too.

Stained glass art

Stained glass art

We’ve had some benches at camp that we use in our pavilion and we painted them this week. They look so nice that I don’t want to sit on them yet! But they will certainly brighten up our seating options! 

A geometric bench

A geometric bench





Splatter painting with the Camp Allyn logo

Splatter painting with the Camp Allyn logo


A bench with different thoughts about camp

A bench with different thoughts about camp

Everybody got to take turns working on this mosaic. Smashing up the tile was fun! We broke it into pieces, painted the pieces, and glued them down. It will be on display somewhere around camp soon!

Our Stepping Stones mosaic!

Our Stepping Stones mosaic!

My favorite piece of art from Fine Arts Week was this canvas. Fiona, one of our lodge leads, asked the gentlemen of Willow Lodge what camp meant to them. They thought of several words: fun, independence, friends…and settled on home. They taped the word “home” onto the canvas, then splatter painted over it. Once the paint dried, they took the tape off. I love it because it represents what camp means to so many of our participants—a home where they feel accepted, independent, and able to be who they are without judgment.

Because camp is home for so many of our participants

Because camp is home for so many of our participants


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