Fall Respites Begin!

Date posted: September 30, 2015

It was so much fun starting off respites at our Allyn campus this season!

The first respite’s theme was Wild Wilderness. It was a beautiful end of summer weekend! We were still able to do a lot of “summertime” activities. We had an evening campfire and s’mores on Friday night, and we did archery, played on the miniature golf course, did some outdoor cooking over a fire, played basketball, and cooked up our own bird feeders. It was great to have a weekend where we could do a few more summertime activities! 

We got to do some neat, wilderness themed, art projects.We were able to be outside all weekend!

We worked on some leaf art projects on Saturday.

We worked on some leaf art projects on Saturday.


We cooked monkey break in a Dutch oven over the fire. A lot of our participants and staff had never done that before. It smelled and tasted delicious!

We cooked monkey break in a Dutch oven over the fire. A lot of our participants and staff had never done that before. It smelled and tasted delicious!


We made some awesome leaf reliefs!

We made some awesome leaf reliefs!

It was a great weekend of fun, friends, and sunshine. We are looking forward to many more fun respites this season!


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