We solemnly swear that we are up to no good!

Date posted: October 22, 2015

First of all, happy back to the future day! No flying cars yet, but I hear the Cubs have the potential to win the world series! 

Our past two respites have been science and magic themed, so it seems appropriate to tell you about them on a day like today.

At the beginning of October, we had our Spectacular Science respite. It was a great time making stuff blow up and getting messy!

To start off, we did a science-themed jeopardy game with everyone on Friday evening. Did you know that giraffes have purple tongues? Well, everyone who was at the jeopardy game on Friday evening does now! 

During the day on Saturday, we did all sorts of fun experiments. We made slime suncatchers, mixed slushies in a bag, and built salt sculptures. Since the blood moon and eclipse had just occurred, we made a constellation craft. The catapults we made were lots of fun! We launched some marshmallows pretty far! 

Making catapults and launching marshmallows was a lot of fun!

Making catapults and launching marshmallows was a lot of fun!

Everyone loves to get on stage and perform, so we did a karaoke night! It is so much fun for participants to perform, and we love seeing so many different abilities up on stage! 

Karaoke night during our Spectacular Science respite!

Karaoke night during our Spectacular Science respite!

We keep hoping for the sunshine to last a little longer, so that we can do outdoor activities like archery on the weekends! 

october archery

Our World of Wizardry respite was a blast. Multiple generations have known and loved the Harry Potter series. Both participants and staff had a ton of fun making butterbeer, creating magic wands, and going on a horcrux scavenger hunt. If you’ve been waiting for your Hogwarts letter, you should have joined us at the Allyn campus last weekend! 

hogwarts sign

Making butterbeer!

Making butterbeer!

Harry Potter even joined us for the Saturday evening Yule Ball that was hosted by some wonderful volunteers!

Our very own Harry Potter!

Our very own Harry Potter!

The Harry Potter books, in addition to being great stories, taught us many great lessons that apply to the Stepping Stones mission. This quote from Albus Dumbledore sums up what we all believe and want for our participants:

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” 

Mischief managed. 


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