Adult Day Program Debuts ‘The Love Project’

Date posted: February 1, 2018

In time for the Valentine’s season, participants of Stepping Stones’ Adult Day program in Norwood are debuting their short film “The Love Project.”

The Love Project

Participants of Stepping Stones’ Adult Day program partnered with videographer Jeff Cooper to answer one question: what does the world need today?

Jeff, who is also a parent of a Stepping Stones participant, volunteered his talents and worked with participants of our Norwood Campus for a touching video project. Conducting on-air interviews with their peers, 16 adults shared their thoughts on the world around us and how we can make it a better place. 

The answer was clear: we all need to show more love and understanding. 

“The world needs more love and care,” Joannaha C. tells the camera. “We need people to quit being judgmental and just start working with each other and helping people.”

Caroline C., whose life motto is to never give up, added, “We should work harder at being kinder to each other.” 

Producing the five-minute short film was an empowering project for our participants. On film and in the director’s seat, they each had the opportunity to express their thoughts on how we can work together to create a more welcoming, caring world — for everyone. 

We hope you are inspired by the words of our participants and take to heart their message of love this Valentine’s season and beyond. 

Behind-the-Scenes Photos of Filming “The Love Project”

Stepping Stones Participants Debut The Love Project with Videographer Jeff Cooper I Cincinnati, Ohio

Videographer and Caroline C. chat in between takes.

Stepping Stones Participants Debut The Love Project with Videographer Jeff Cooper I Cincinnati, Ohio

Megan M. films her thoughts on what the world needs today.

Stepping Stones Participants Debut The Love Project with Videographer Jeff Cooper I Cincinnati, Ohio

Jeff Cooper tests sound with Chris D..

Stepping Stones Participants Debut The Love Project with Videographer Jeff Cooper I Cincinnati, Ohio

Bani L. smiles for the camera.

Stepping Stones Participants Debut The Love Project with Videographer Jeff Cooper I Cincinnati, Ohio

Sherri G. sits in the director’s chair with Jeff Cooper.

For more information on Stepping Stones’ Adult Day program, click here. 


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