Activities to Do at Home

Date posted: April 6, 2020

Stepping Stones Ohio I Cincinnati

Stepping Stones hopes you are staying healthy and safe! During this period of sheltering in place, we wanted to recommend some engaging activities families can participate together in safely at home. Please review our suggestion of activities to do at home below. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon! 

Activities to Do at Home

Celebrate Daily Holidays

Visit the National Daily Calendar each day for an update on national holidays and get creative with your celebrations.

Take a Virtual Tour

From zoos and aquariums to museums and planetariums, explore more than 25 virtual tours from the safety of your home. 

Enjoy a Virtual Field Trip

This resource guide offers more than 28 free virtual field trips your family can enjoy together at home. From touring the White House to a trip to Mars, there’s something for everyone. 

Visit the Kennedy Space Center Online

The Kennedy Space Center’s website offers all sorts of exciting space related news. 

Complete a Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Puzzles are a great way to engage critical thinking and problem solving skills. Complete a daily jigsaw puzzle online on your own or with loved ones. 

Outdoor Team-Building Activities

In the safety of your yard at home, Playmeo offers a great list of outdoor team-building activities to participate in with family. 

Indoor Team-Building Activities

While staying inside, Playmeo also offers a great list of indoor team-building activities for families.

Visit A Museum

Google Arts and Culture has partnered with more than 2,000 museums worldwide to provide online tours. Following each virtual museum visit, we suggest speaking with family and friends about favorite works of art.

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