Adult Day Services Design Flower Vases for Open Your Heart

Date posted: February 29, 2016

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Guests of the 8th annual Open Your Heart dinner enjoyed a wide selection of personalized flower vases, handmade by participants of our Adult Day Services program. 45 unique flower vases were available for purchase at the Valentine-inspired event earlier this month, and they were such a hit with the crowd that they quickly sold out! 

Participants worked with clay to mold and shape the vases and personalize their own designs. Queen City Clay donated kiln time to fire the flower vases for display at Open Your Heart, held at Eddie Merlot’s restaurant in Montgomery on February 2. 

All 45 vases were sold, contributing to the $70,000 netted for Stepping Stones’ year-round programs for children, teens and adults with disabilities..

The Adult Day program is available at three Stepping Stones locations (Allyn, UCP and BeauVita West) and enables adults with developmental disabilities to learn important life skills, build confidence and enjoy daily excursions into the community. Program activities include Art, Community Outings, Continuing Knowledge, Life Skills, Recreation, Sensory and Communication, Technology and Wellness. 

To learn more about the Adult Day Services program, click here. 

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