Stepping Stones Thanks Supporters at Beautiful Reception

Date posted: June 8, 2016

Stepping Stones Donor Reception in Indian Hill

Our gracious hosts Gail and Fred Fischer, a member of Stepping Stones’ board.

On June 7th, Stepping Stones hosted a reception for supporters in appreciation of their continued efforts in helping us achieve our mission. 60 guests gathered at the home of long-time supporters Gail and Fred Fischer in Indian Hill. It was a beautiful evening with perfect summer weather, catered by Elegant Fare.

Thank you to all of the supporters who enable Stepping Stones to build pathways to independence for people with disabilities. Together, we are truly making a difference in the lives with serve.

“Stepping Stones has wonderful and generous donors,” said Director of Development Kelly Crow. “It was great to see so many of them in the same place, enjoying one another’s company and talking about their passion for the agency.”

This week, Stepping Stones’ new summer activity season kicked-off, with day and overnight programs running through August. More than 750 children and adults with disabilities will build magical memories and discover their abilities at Stepping Stones this summer. There’s still time to be a part of this success! To make a gift to support summer at Stepping Stones, click here

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