Getting Ready for Summer

Date posted: May 15, 2014

Stepping Stones Day Camp Allyn Staff

Hello- Dottie here!

If you ever head out to Camp Allyn for our recreation programs, you have probably run into me a time or two. I am the Camp Allyn Coordinator that works closely with families, participants and community partners. I also help the staff plan and lead the effective programming that keeps your loved ones coming back year after year. I came to Stepping Stones in early 2013 after receiving my B.S. in Education (Developmental Disabilities and Habilitation) from Bowling Green State University. I have worked in many areas of this field from vocational and residential to educational and recreational. The camp, or recreation, aspect of the field is my favorite and I love sharing my experiences with all of you. Whether it is the Fall, Winter, Spring programs or the Summer Camp programs, my heart knows no greater love than camp and the people there.

Many people wonder what exactly we all do while we wait for summer to come, so here is an exclusive look into our lives in the Recreation and Leisure Department. When programming is not running in the Fall, Winter and Spring, the coordinator team works together at our main campus on Given Road. We review and hire our staff applicants, plan our intense staff training week, attend training sessions of our own and work on approving participants for our programs. We collaborate on many aspects of camp, from program ideas to revamping summer schedules. 

We are currently preparing for our summer staff training! Our staff, from supervisors to 1:1 counselors, receive over 80 hours of intense overnight training. They work with Stepping Stones’ staff and community partners, like our local Boards of Developmental Disabilities, to obtain skills on everything from planning great programs to providing exceptional direct care. Our staff leave their training sessions prepared for the summer and confident in their skills as summer team players. 

Stepping Stones Day Camp CoordinatorsSummer planning also requires shopping for supplies and planning crazy cool activities! We have collected books and books of engaging and skill-based activities and programs that we are going to include in this summer’s schedule. The local craft and sports equipment stores are getting to know us well, as we stock up on beads, paints, basketballs and more!

We look forward to seeing all of our dear camp friends soon! Enjoy these last few days of spring, friends- because summer is nearly here!


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