Doing it Right at Day Camp Allyn!

Date posted: June 25, 2014

Day Camp has been a whirl of activity for the past 2 and a half weeks! Each day is jam-packed with super fun activities that just about all participants are positively glowing about! All of the staff here at Allyn have absolutely loved getting to know all of our participants; both new and returning. It has been such a joy to see so many smiling faces up at Day Camp and knowing what an awesome time everyone is having! We are all so excited to see what each new day will bring us throughout what is bound be a summer of endless fun!

We kicked off summer right with our kids’ camp theme of Sports of All Sorts! The Jellyfish and Dolphins enjoyed a week filled with fun, sports and games of all kinds. Teen camp had an awesome week of Champion Challenges! The Sea Turtles and Stingrays enjoyed getting to challenge themselves to discover healthy lifestyle choices and find ways to implement them in their daily lives. It was a great, fast-paced week of activities from fishing at the pond to current events on healthy lifestyles to building your own roller coaster to swimming in the pool. All in all, week one was a rousing round of success!

Participant and staff building their own roller coasters!

Participant and staff building their own roller coasters!

Week 2 of summer brought us some seaside celebrations with Kids Camp, while our teens in the teens enjoyed a Vacation Cruise! Celebrations were going on left and right—this, my friends, was a week of fun and fantastic festivities! From water play parties to artistic bonanza’s there was not a moment to be spared in this fun-filled week of seaside celebrations! Teens were able to relax with cruise themed pool parties and putt putt golf practice!

Participants had a great time at the putt-putt course!

Participants had a great time at the putt-putt course!

So far on Week 3 our Kids Camp is having a blast at Camp Allyn’s Animation Station. We have created super cool cartoon flip books that reenact scenes from our favorite cartoons and choreographed dances to some of our favorite Disney Songs. The teens are letting loose during our Whimsical Wild and Wacky week! We have done some pretty awesome stuff so far including discussing what we think about Disney’s purchas;2e of the Star Wars Series and what the new movie might be like, as well as played a game of pirate’s treasure tag where the goal was to get as many gold pieces in you your team’s skull bucket without getting tagged out by the other team! But of course a week is never complete without a water fight!

Sneak Water Attack!!

Sneak Water Attack!!


For now, That’s all folks! Tune in soon for another update from your friends at Camp Allyn!

Coordinator of Recreation and Leisure-Allyn


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