Rainy Days at Summer Camp

Date posted: July 12, 2014

Greetings all-

What a summer we have had with our Ohio weather! From the hot days to the rainy days, we are always finding new and creative ways to enjoy the summer weather. At Camp Allyn, we love everything about our rainy days. It adds an unexpected element of fun to our days. Our staff strive to make the most of every drop of rain. From making mud castles and rainy art projects, we ensure our participants are always having the best day ever!



As we all know, sometimes, those rainy days can take a turn for the worse. At Stepping Stones, the leadership team checks the radar regularly. When a potential bad storm is coming our way, the leadership team will alert all of the staff so activities can be kept closer to main buildings. That way, should we need to have everyone move inside, the transition is quicker and easier. We have two levels of emergency codes for weather, one meaning move inside a building and the other meaning move into a storm safe shelter. We also run tornado drills once a month to ensure our staff and participants are always prepared.  At Stepping Stones we always strive to make the most safe and cautious decisions to ensure the safety of everyone on our campuses.

We would also like to offer our sympathies and support to those affected by the recent storms at Carroll County’s River Valley Ranch in Maryland. Our hearts go out to the families and community affected. The loss they have suffered serves as a constant reminder to us all to stay alert at all times and keep our participants safe at all costs. 

Thank you for reading. Stay safe and have fun! 

-Dottie Dotson


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