Photo Album

Take a look at the fun things we are doing at Stepping Stones. New photos are added all the time. Check back later and find your photo!

Participants of Adult Day Services Sew Face Masks

On May 18th, Stepping Stones was overjoyed to welcome back a small group of participants to Adult Day Services with approval from the state and local counties. In program, everyone is learning about the importance of social distancing and other measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They even mad e their own face masks!

At our Drex Campus in Norwood, participants picked out their favorite fabric design and got sewing using an adaptive machine! Participants pressed a button that powered the sewing needle as Adult Day Services Coordinator Phil Taylor safely maneuvered each mask.

Adult Participants Visit The Learning Kitchen

On a recent outing to The Learning Kitchen in West Chester, adult participants of Stepping Stones developed their cooking skills while preparing an African feast!

Stepping Stones' visit to The Learning Kitchen was part of "Adults Around Town". Funded by a grant from Warren Co. Board of DD, the recreation program allows adults with disabilities to explore and enjoy new experiences within their community.

St. Ursula Academy Volunteers in Adult Day Services

On Feb. 26, participants of Adult Day Services were joined by eleven St. Ursula Academy students for a day of team-building activities at our Drex Campus!

The St. Ursula volunteers and participants formed four teams and competed against one another in a series of races. Each activity was designed to promote inclusion and encouraged everyone to work together as a team.

A Ladies' Day of Beauty in Adult Day Services

The ladies of our Adult Day Services program at the North Bend location enjoyed a "Girls' Day In" with a lineup of beauty treatments and special guest experts.

Step-Up Students Attend Ensemble Theatre Classes

Students of our Step-Up Autism Alternative Education program are benefiting from weekly Integrated Theatre Education classes led by Ensemble Theatre instructors.

The theatre workshop classes use the renowned Heartbeat Method - a series of sensory games Kelly Hunter developed for youth with autism to explore Shakespeare's works with expression. Hunter is a director, writer and actor from the UK whose program has been adopted by educational programs around the globe.

Chair Yoga Comes to Adult Day Services

Participants of Adult Day Services at Stepping Stones' Drex Campus have been enjoying the benefits of chair yoga! Community volunteer and certified yoga instructor Michael Lau leads classes in the gymnasium to help participants improve strength and flexibility.

Thank you, Michael Lau, for bringing these very popular and beneficial classes to our program.

12th Annual Open Your Heart- Presented By Convalescent Hospital For Children

Open Your Heart, presented by Convalescent Hospital for Children was held at Eddie Merlot's in Montgomery on February 4, 2020. The event netted more than $104,000 to benefit life-strengthening programs for children and adults with disabilities.

Adult Day Program Paints Heartfelt Bistro Platters for Open Your Heart Fundraiser

Over the past few months, participants of the Adult Day Program at Stepping Stones have hand-painted heartfelt details on bistro platters available for purchase at the Open Your Heart fundraising event. Art projects like these help participants strengthen independence, celebrate their abilities, and showcase one of many talents!

Participants of Adult Day Services Explore Music

Participants of our Adult Day Services program in Norwood love to explore various types of music! Currently, we most enjoy experimenting with a variety of percussion instruments including maracas, a xylophone, a variety of drums and more.

The instruments are a popular addition to our program made possible by the Montgomery Womans Club. Thank you for giving our program the joyful gift of music!

Stepping Stones Staff Recognition

Before breaking for the holidays, staff members from all Stepping Stones' program locations came together in celebration! The luncheon included recognition of a number of staff members for their tremendous commitment to the agency.

BeauVita Adult Day Program Secret Santa Gift Exchange

The secret is out! To celebrate the holidays, participants of our BeauVita Adult Day program enjoyed a Secret Santa gift exchange this year. Everyone drew names for gift shopping and the big reveal was filled with lots of joy.

Holiday Boutique in Adult Day Services

The annual Holiday Boutique returned to Adult Day Services at our Norwood location. Every year, the boutique gives participants the opportunity to develop their money and budgeting skills while prepping for the holidays.

Thank you to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Pediatric Unit volunteers who volunteered as guest cashiers and everyone who kindly donated so many wonderful items.

Weekend Respite Holiday Celebration

On Dec. 14, Weekend Respite participants enjoyed a holiday celebration at Camp Allyn with our next-door neighbors at Emmanuel United Methodist. The church brought a band and singers for a festive evening concert in Pettengill Hall as well as coordinated a special visit from Santa.

16th Annual Holiday Bash with Community Partners at Johnson & Johnson Ethicon

On Dec. 13, staff and Adult participants at our Norwood Campus celebrated the holidays with Johnson & Johnson's Ethicon team. The holiday bash has become a beloved tradition and is in its 16th year! The event included caroling, holiday games and Bingo as well as special visits from Buddy the Elf and "Elf-is" - who serenaded us with classic Elvis holiday songs. It was a great day of sharing holiday traditions with a treasured community partner!

Saturday Young Adults Club Celebrate the Holidays

On Dec. 7, participants of Saturday Young Adults Club enjoyed a surprise visit and gift exchange with Santa! We thank Emmanuel United Methodist Church for coordinating this special celebration and Santa for selecting such fantastic gifts for everyone.

Santa Visits Saturday Kids Club

The holiday spirit was in the air at Stepping Stones on Dec. 7 when Santa Claus made a surprise visit to Saturday Kids Club! All of the boys and girls were able to chat with Santa as well as open a gift he picked out just for them. From footballs to Harry Potter wands and even princess dresses, there were plenty of smiles as everyone opened the bounty of gifts.

A big thank you to Santa Claus for making a special trip to Stepping Stones! We also thank our generous community partner Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP for arranging such a wonderful celebration.

Adult Day Program Celebrates the Holidays at Our Allyn Campus

On Dec. 3, the festive season at Stepping Stones got off to a grand start with a holiday celebration at our Allyn Campus in Batavia.

Thank you to community volunteer Todd Little for organizing the holiday event. We also thank the Kiwanis Clubs of Mariemont and Milford for sponsoring gifts, ColdWell Banker's Anderson East branch for providing a pizza lunch, Ben Troutman for sponsoring drinks, Brian Kaufman of WMOH 1450 for DJing the event and Santa for making a surprise visit.

Lowes Heroes Spread Goodwill at Stepping Stones

On Dec. 3, employees of Lowe's Mason and Beechmont locations joined forces for a tremendous service project at Stepping Stones.
