Sporting Clays Tournament

Thank You for Supporting The 8th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament!
Stepping Stones and event co-chair, Peter Borchers and Brian Folke, hosted the 8th annual Sporting Clays Tournament on October 18th, 2024 at the Sycamore Pheasant Club in Loveland. The tournament featured 75 targets with select games throughout the course, premier raffle packages and a live auction. The event raised a net total of more than $112,562 to benefit Stepping Stones’ year-round programming for children, teens and adults with disabilities.
The Sporting Clays Tournament couldn’t be possible without the support from our planning committee, generous sponsors, guests, live-auction and raffle donors!
Unable to Attend?
Make a gift to support the event

Special Events Manager
Anna Osowski
(513) 965-5101